Presenting to you the story of Mr. & Mrs Subramanya Holla, who were looking for the best flooring materials in Bangalore :

Mr Subramanya Holla firmly believes that a home is built to last for a lifetime. And that’s a duration of at least 25-30 years. “Unlike curtains or other decor, flooring can’t be changed over and over again”, says MrSubramanyaHolla. He adds that flooring, which enjoys a lifelong existence, can never be compromised.
“Thus, only the best material must be used for flooring” adds MrSubramanyaHolla. In search of the best granite flooring options in Bangalore, Mr&MrsSubramanyaHolla came down to HMG Stones along with their architect.
MrSubramanyaHolla was amazed by the granite and marble options available with HMG Stones. He adds “The Staff at HMG stones were very helpful. They gave me an all-round insight about the materials, their variety, durability and the concepts possible with them”.
MrsSubramanyaHolla believes that making the right choices is critical in building a house. She says that trusting in a good interior designer and choosing the best materials are all it takes to have a home that you will fall in love with.
At HMG Stones, we only offer top-notch materials. From your kitchen granite to the travertine floors, all our natural stones are sourced directly from the finest quarries in the world. Our Italian marbles are the best in Bangalore, in both quality and price. Visit us at our Experience Centre at 1, Sankey Road to know more about the choices we have for you.
You don’t build a new house every now and then. When you do build a house, it lasts for ages to come. And thus, there can be no room for any kind of compromise. At HMG Stones, we understand your priorities. Not only do we manufacture granite and marble, but also provide the best flooring solutions customised to your needs. Come join us at our Experience Centre at 1, Sankey Road to learn more!